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- the core healing blog -
educate, encourage & empower
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Restoration or Renovation?
Restoration or Renovation? Marti Wibbels, MS, LMHC I’ve had this desk since I was in second grade. Initially, I tried to hide my disappointment when my parents presented me with this wooden desk instead of the cardboard child’s desk I’d requested. Unlike my friend’s disposable desk, my oak counterpart has survived decades, first providing…
Covid of the Soul
Covid of the Soul Marti Wibbels, MS, LMHC It finally happened. During the first week of May, my husband and I began a two-week Covid omicron odyssey, our bodies sidelined by a peripatetic virus. It’s astonishing how rapidly an invisible particle can rob one’s ability to stand, walk, taste, or smell. We’re gratefully recovering, thanks…
How to Plan a Successful Pity Party
How to Plan a Successful Pity Party Marti Wibbels, MS, LMHC Choose a date and time. Prepare your invitations (I have a friend who has extras if you need them). Focus on yourself. Hire a violinist to play sad songs. Review how many things have gone wrong in your life. Say things to yourself like,…
Hearing God’s Voice When Feelings Are Big
Hearing God’s Voice When Feelings Are Big Marti Wibbels, MS, LMHC Sometimes our feelings silence our faith. Feelings can be so big that they’re all we hear: friends fail you. A loved one is gone. You can’t find what you need (a job, a home, a friend). While it’s important to notice our feelings and…
Creating an Emotional First Aid Kit
Creating an Emotional First Aid Kit Marti Wibbels, MS, LMHC As the people of Ukraine fight for their freedom (and their lives), we are praying together from wherever we are throughout the world. Today, the number of Ukrainian refugees exceeds two million, with adjacent nations working tirelessly to provide food, shelter, and clothing. We can…
A Story for Valentine’s Day
A Story for Valentine’s Day Marti Wibbels, MS, LMHC Wherever Valentine’s Day is celebrated throughout the world, many anticipate a day of disappointment or the painful disillusionment of unrequited love. Even for those who want to celebrate love, expectations can be dashed in a sea of unfulfilled hope. But we can make distinct choices to…
Being Present in the New Year
Being Present in the New Year Marti Wibbels, MS, LMHC A new year is a little bit like welcoming guests to our homes. We can choose to embrace 2022 with anticipation or live in persistent stress. Three times, Psalm 37 repeats God’s pattern for stress reduction: do not fret. “Fret” in the Old English means…
Moving from the Old to a New Year
Moving from the Old to a New Year Marti Wibbels, MS, LMHC Have you ever noticed when people say, “Happy New Year,” they almost immediately begin talking about something “old”—from political problems and economic woes to health or family concerns? I’m not suggesting we ignore legitimate concerns but that we learn to manage them. Then…
Remembering What Matters
Remembering What Matters Marti Wibbels, MS, LMHC Have you ever noticed how often God says, “remember”? To Moses, God said, …remember, I am GOD (Numbers 3:41, MSG). To us, Therefore, remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called ‘the uncircumcision’ by what is called the circumcision, which is made in the flesh…
Being Thankful for Our Ravens
Being Thankful for Our Ravens Marti Wibbels, MS, LMHC This Tuesday morning (November 16th) was my monthly opportunity to discuss mental health issues on Mornings with Eric and Brigitte on Moody Radio South Florida (89.3 FM). To build a healthy perspective, we considered Being Thankful for Our Ravens, noticing how God used an unclean bird,…
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